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Attorney Jared Pursley
Carlsbad Personal Injury LawyerBlogPersonal InjuryHow Do Truck Accidents Happen?

How Do Truck Accidents Happen?


Most truck accidents happen because truck drivers make mistakes, either before they get behind the wheel or while operating their vehicles. For this reason, most truck wrecks are not accidents. Truckers accidentally leave the lights on at home. They don’t accidentally make one of the serious driving mistakes discussed below, cause crashes, and cause serious injuries.

As commercial drivers, truckers must go the extra mile to avoid vehicle collisions. The law reflects this difference. For example, the large truck speed limit is usually lower than the noncommercial vehicle speed limit. Since truckers have a lower margin of error because of the higher duty of care, it’s easier for a Carlsbad personal injury lawyer to prove negligence, or a lack of care, and obtain compensation for crash victims.

Operator Impairment

Overall, alcohol is the number one operator impairment cause of vehicle collisions. Alcohol impairment usually isn’t a problem among truck drivers. However, other kinds of impairment are just as dangerous.

  • Fatigue: Driving after eighteen consecutive awake hours, which is generally legal for commercial drivers in California, is like driving with a .05 BAC level. That’s above the legal limit for commercial operators in California. Fatigue, like alcohol, clouds judgment and impairs motor skills.
  • Drugs: Among truckers, fatigue and drugs often go hand in hand. Many truckers take amphetamines while they drive to counteract the effects of fatigue. These drugs normally help truckers feel more alert. But these drugs further cloud judgment. Amphetamines make users edgy and suspicious.
  • Distraction: Many truckers don’t use hand-held cell phones while they drive. But many truckers do use hands-free devices. These gadgets are two times distracting. These users take their eyes off the road and take their mind off driving. Furthermore, since hands-free devices give operators a false sense of security, they often take unnecessary chances.

A Carlsbad personal injury lawyer often obtains additional compensation in driver impairment cases. These tortfeasors (negligent drivers) know they shouldn’t get behind the wheel, but they do so anyway.

Aggressive Driving

Fully-loaded large trucks weigh over 80,000 pounds. A slight amount of excess speed usually has devastating consequences.

Speed increases the risk of a wreck and the force in a collision. Large trucks don’t stop on a dime, and speeding drivers have even less time to react to changing situations. Furthermore, speed multiplies the force in a collision, according to Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

Most truckers are under intense pressure to make on-time delivery bonuses. So, they often press too hard on their accelerators.

Furthermore, large trucks are difficult to control in traffic, even for experienced operators. Today, experienced operators are few and far between, because of a long-term truck driver shortage. These difficulties increase the risk of crashes when truckers change lanes too quickly, turn without signaling, and otherwise drive aggressively.

Usually, the shipping or transportation company that owns the truck or cargo is financially responsible for damages in aggressive driving or operator impairment wrecks. Employers are legally responsible for damages when their employees are negligent during the course and scope of their employment.

Work With a Savvy San Diego County Lawyer

Injury victims are entitled to substantial compensation. For a confidential consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Carlsbad, contact the Pursley Law Firm. Virtual, home, and hospital visits are available.



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