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Handling personal injury claims for Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos and beyond.
Empowering Every Client

to take the best course of action after a serious accident

Attorney Jared Pursley

Monthly Archives: March 2025


Do I Need a Lawyer for a Bicycle Accident?

By Pursley Law Firm |

If you want a fair settlement, then yes, you need a lawyer for a bicycle accident. The average attorney-negotiated settlement is over three times larger than the average non-attorney-negotiated settlement. The reason for the discrepancy is simple. Insurance companies have lawyers looking out for their interests. An unrepresented victim taking on a lawyer is… Read More »

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Are Hit-and-Runs Hard to Prove?

By Pursley Law Firm |

In criminal court, hit-and-runs are hard to prove. The burden of proof is beyond any reasonable doubt. Usually, little evidence is available. Additionally, police investigators must follow strict procedural rules. But in civil court, hit-and-runs are not hard to prove. The burden of proof is only a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than… Read More »

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